I don’t really have a problem with boys making talk in the shower but when it’s been portrayed as very weird and wrong on Glee; I’m just gonna have to go out on a limb here and say, the Glee take on Nip/Tuck c’est tres uncomfortable. TRES! Only great thing to come of this episode was Eric Stoltz directing. He’s a fav.
How about leaving the whole Kurt-search-for-hearts out of the showers and taking it to where normal people have dates? Like on a bench at lunch or right before Schue’s Spanish class. (Honestly, does this kid do his paid-for job?)
Eh...Artie’s first time. They should have renamed this episode Uncomfortable 43 minutes. We get it, cheerleaders as hot as Britney put out; fine but could she not do Artie for once. Making Artie out to be an unkind kid is just messed up. Really messed up. How about Artie saying no to Brit’s come-ons and explaining later on when she wants to desperately know why he keeps turning her down why he wants his first time to be so special. Then she can take him and make it an even worse first time because she knew how special it was for him when Santana lets it slip that she was porking him for the win. Plus major plot fail, in season one, Artie’s selling point of a relationship to Tina was that he can use his penis sexually.
Blondies winning the duets competition not a shocker; would have been better if Kurt won. Just saying, his loneliness would have been more compounded by the solo dinner. He just looks more flamboyant dueting with Rachel. Not that that is bad but it certainly didn't help sustain his loneliness cause.
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