Monday, April 18, 2011


Oh Britney; Spears that is although nice play with the S. Pierce Ryan Murphy; who doesn’t know you are an ultimate popstar and you being left out of last season’s theme episodes was atrocious? Apparently Falchuk, Murphy; Di Lorenta, Brennan and Mr. Schue. But for those of us who know the power of Britney Spears before Hold it Against Me came out, we were hoping the theme episode was saved because it would be so grade FE aka fucking EPIC. Really, I was there hoping for Kurt to name me as part of the five who joined the facebook cause to have BS on the show.
Was it grade FE? Eh, let’s drop the F and give Heather Morris and Naya Rivera Es for their EPIC work on the episode. Heather made it like a high-tech Brit cover and dare I say outBritted the Spears. The girl has moves like lava; hot and fluid. Sorry Spears, Morris replaces you on my Brit Vids.
And that’s where the EPIC Es end. Seriously Murphy; you sat down and thought Schue; the dude who understands the value of pop culture what with all the 80s hits he dished out in season one, would not understand Britney? Chink numero dos in the armour of episode two.  Chink numero uno was the introduction of John Stamos as Carl after his name dropping in season one. It was just stupid. Chink numero tres would be the whole Chevy ad thing. Product placements as a joke, funny; as blatant as that one was in episode two;  sad.
Then the whole Rachel channeling Spears thing was of placed. Would have made more of a splash if she chucked from the dentist’s office with a huge ass smile, gone to school the following day in the catholic school girl get-up and then churned out the Hit Me Baby One More Time hit when Fumble Finn called her out on it.
And do the kids not attend class? I’m pretty sure during the first few weeks of school, class attendance was mandatory; for teachers too (Mr. Schue! great setting of example there) and what’s with the soundtrack in the yellow car? If not enough, he decides to participate in the Toxic number.  Did Will go off on a bender during summer and isn’t quite right yet? Granted he sounds pretty great; could win Idols with that number but come on; he is a teacher. The song doesn’t raise his street cred; it makes him a loser; a sad, paedy loser.
Dear Ryan Murphy, get someone to read through your script. The glitter is being overshadowed by your uncomfortable ideas. If anything, the Artie hallucination should have made you lean back and think through the show.
PS Britney S. Pierce is a caricature of her season one self. Right that shit up.

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