I've been away doing what peeps like me do best; fight useless causes and generally stare at the sky cause we're too depressed to sleep. Nothing new, nothing old; just there.
But today (yesterday considering it's 2 am on the west coast of USA) I woke up with zest and purpose and a go get'em attitude. Why? Cause I had slept incredibly well and I have the best story in my mind in a few weeks. I have been writing my stories and they are coming along great but when the situation one story is in is so affecting that you literally don't know if you're writing fiction or fact; you need a break and mine is in the form of what I love to do best; blur lines.
So I'm not into writing vampire crap because a) it's crap and b) my vampires lie along the lines of Anne Rice's vampires. I have never read any of her vampires but when guys are describing her stuff(usually in comparison to twilight. Why, I don't know) and I finally watched that one with Brad and Tommy boy, I realised my vamps are considerably more like cousins of hers rather than the kid in the cinema swearing to bite his date's neck off for dragging him to twilight. Thanks to a movie I watched when I was young and have since jumbled up in my mind so hard that the villain and hero morph into one, I have cultivated my own brand of vamps. That's another story.
Anyhue; I am currently writing a story that blurs the lines of generic and paranormal and is pretty sellable in my opinion. In my view, humans believe they are untouchable when they have a few million pounds in their offshore bank accounts. What of humans who have access to their powers? What if there were evolved humans who have access to more of their brain and can manipulate energy into anything they want with preferences running through the species like it does in homo sapiens? Right? What of those kinds of entities? I usually end up asking such questions and bam! end up with work like Dark Saviour. And also probably forget that I am not the story just the conveyor. I try pretty hard not end up like the crazy people who forget that Hogworts is not on the 91/4 was it 3/4s platform and that Edward is not in my room watching over me (creepy stuff dude; plus my window's got grills. How you like me now?). It's not the funniest thing to go about declaring you have the love of your life standing right next to you and you have a book in hand. Eccentric people are eccentric only so far.